
What is persona 4 pnach number
What is persona 4 pnach number


Also, the team never enters the Channel unless he is present. He sets the pace for the investigation, handles finances, and enacts all major decisions before the rest of the Team can act on them he also leads the forays into the Midnight Channel and commands the group in battle. He's one of the Investigation Team's three founding members (along with Yosuke and Chie) and its de facto leader (unlike the protagonist of Persona 3). In the True Ending, his ultimate Persona is revealed to be Izanagi-no-Okami.


This leads him into a quest to uncover the truth behind a series of inexplicable murders, in the process gaining a lot of friends and, when he has to leave Inaba a year later, lots of fond memories from an otherwise forgettable town. Soon enough, he learns about the 'Midnight Channel' and discovers his ability to insert his body to the television. In his new school, he quickly made friends with class clown Yosuke Hanamura and kung-fu fangirl Chie Satonaka. Then, due to his parents having to work overseas, he has to move to the rural town of Inaba to stay with his uncle, police officer Ryotaro Dojima, and his six-year-old daughter Nanako. His parents moved a lot from town to town, forcing him to constantly change schools. The manga gave him the name Souji Seta, whereas the anime and the forthcoming fighting game will name him Yu Narukami, making this his Canon Name. He summons his Persona by crushing the card with his bare hand. He uses primarily two-handed weapons, including long swords, katanas, baseball bats and golf clubs as weapons, has exclusive access to the Velvet Room, and occasionally encounters Oracle Cards in his mind that give him new Personas and also grants an Arcana Chance. His affinity is with the Fool Arcana, which gives him the ability to call forth multiple Personas, starting with Izanagi. The silent protagonist who can be named by the player at the beginning.

  • You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You: Pretty much the reason they can't tell anyone about their after-school activities.
  • You Meddling Kids: They truly are the bane of the main villain.
  • Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: In between school and hanging out, they solve a double homicide and multiple kidnappings over the course of slightly less than a year.
  • True Companions: By the end of the game, the group essentially becomes a family.
  • Took a Level in Badass: They transform from a bunch of ordinary teenagers (some who are celebrities) with deep-seated issues to an effective fighting team with supernatural powers, that not only solves a murder case, catches the killer, but also take on a god-like being (and win).
  • Specs of Awesome: Get these once they acquire their Personas.
  • Red Baron: The trailers for Persona 4 Arena have the Lemony Narrator giving insulting nicknames to each of the Team's members in the trailers.
  • Much of their Social Links are spent accepting and overcoming these flaws.
  • Reconstruction: Thanks to the Midnight Channel, The entire investigation team is painfully aware of the various flaws in their character types.
  • They even call themselves this at one point, albeit to the kid detective's offense at being called a misfit.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The team consists of a second-year transferee, the class clown, a tomboyish kung-fu fangirl, the heiress to a prestigious hot springs inn, an infamous delinquent, a pop idol, a celebrated teenage detective, and some bear-like creature all (save for the bear-creature) are in high school.
  • More to the point, the main character gets his strength from this.
  • The Power of Friendship: Plays a major role in plot and gameplay.
  • It's Personal: Everyone on the team is either a victim or the friend of a victim, giving them all a personal reason to hunt the killer down.
  • The Sixth Ranger: Kanji, Rise and Naoto.
  • Five-Man Band: The early group, later broken.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: It helps that part of their Character Development, both as individuals and as a team, includes learning each other's deepest shames and accepting themselves and each other for who they are.

  • Dare to Be Badass: Despite being ordinary high-school kids, none of them backs down for even a second at the prospect of wandering around in some Dark World fighting creepy monsters, all in hopes of thwarting the efforts of some kind of Serial Killer.
  • However, it turns out her kidnapper wasn't trying to hurt Nanako, quite the opposite. She had no right to be involved in the cases. When she got hurt, they couldn't forgive the person who did this to her because she was only an innocent child.
  • Berserk Button: Hurting Nanako is this for all of them because she basically cheered up everyone when they were depressed.
  • Badass Crew: All of them in The Golden, except Kanji and Teddie, who have to use a regular bike and roller skates respectively.
  • Amateur Sleuths: Every member of the team save for Naoto, who's actually a Kid Detective.

  • What is persona 4 pnach number